Critical power: When down-time is no option

When down-time is not an option

DEIF has a strong track record in developing emergency, standby and backup power solutions for mission-critical facilities and businesses. We have tailored solutions for a wide range of hospital services, industrial process control, data centres, telecommunications, and tv and radio broadcast systems.

DEIF’s turnkey solutions incorporate intelligent power distribution and controls, switchgear, and generator and grid protection to guarantee uninterrupted power supplies in cases of mains failure.

We design and integrate Power Management Systems with unique standby capacities and can deliver record start-up from an impressive six seconds for multiple gensets in parallel, redundant control systems, or even an entire redundant power plant.

For comparing the benefits of using PLC solutions versus multi-master controlled power management systems (MM PMS) to control the critical power system. Download whitepaper here.

Is your emergency & backup power system efficient enough? Download whitepaper here.

See how Oslo hospital went from a decentralised, fragmented system to one with full control and remote monitoring with DEIF. Read the case story here.

02 Switchboard Ullevaal Case

Looking for software, documentation, whitepapers or webinars?

A unique trademark of DEIF for decades, we offer complimentary unrestricted access to software updates, technically detailed product documentation along with educational and inspirational whitepapers and webinars on industry-relevant topics of today and tomorrow.
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    Contact us to discuss your options

    - 90 years of energy pioneering
    - Manufactured at the highest standards
    - Superior quality
    - Unmatched service and support
    - Made in Denmark